To be a Contractor in Hawaii you will need to have a Hawaii Contractor License. You do not need to do a lot Hawaii Contractors License lookup; you can find answers to the most popular and key questions below.
There are some requirements that you should meet to get a Hawaii Contractor License. They are:
If you meet these requirements you can apply for your Contractor License.
While filling the application form, please be sure that you fill the all pages and then submit it. You can learn the dates and apply for your application through this link.
Here are some important documents that should be included in your application:
If you are going to use a trading name, you will need to submit a stamped copy of that name registration approved by the Hawaii Business Registration Division of the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs.
You will need to pay $50 as an application fee.
After getting the approval, you will need to pay $75 as an exam fee.
If you are going to register as an LLC or joint venture, you will need to appoint a Registered Managing Employee. You can do this online.
For your license you will need to pay $663 or $494, depending when you are going to obtain it.
If you want to provide some services in Hawaii you will defiantly need to have a Hawaii Contractor License. And depending on what services you are going to provide you may need a separate license type.
So, if you are going to provide the all kind of solutions that one may need starting from irrigation, drainage, water supply, river control and reclamation works, road construction, tunnel construction, power plants and utility plants installation, land levelling and earth-moving projects, excavating, grading, trenching; in general works requiring specialized engineering knowledge you will need a General Engineering Contractor license.
If you are going to provide solutions connected with structure, which means you are going to build or make changes in the building, you will need to have a General Building Contractor license.
If you are going to be a contractor, whose provided solutions require special skill such as electrical, drywall, painting and decorating, landscaping, flooring, carpet laying, plumbing or roofing work, you will need to have a Specialty Contractor license.
To install interior or exterior acoustic tile systems, spray systems, and insulation in buildings and structures you will need an Acoustical and Insulation Contractor license. If you are going to install insulation materials on mechanical systems to control the temperature, you will need a Mechanical Insulation Contractor license.
If you are going to provide solutions connected with road construction you will need either Asphalt Paving and Surfacing Contractor license, or Asphalt Concrete Patching, Sealing, and Striping Contractor license. It depends on solutions you can provide.
You will need to have a Boiler, hot water heating, hot water supply, and steam-fitting contractor license to install or repair boilers, heating systems or provide similar solutions.
There are several types of Contractor Licenses and you will need to have the proper one for you and the activity you are going to practice. Here you can find detailed description for each type of license you may need.